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Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Torrent


The Adobeᆴ Photoshopᆴ 7.0.1 update fixes a number of problems discovered after Photoshop 7.0 was released.

The most significant fixes in the 7.0.1 release include the following:

ユ Photoshop now saves alpha transparency data in Targa files in the same way it did in previous versions.
ユ If the color settings color management policy is set to "Off," Photoshop no longer asks to save changes unless other edits have been performed.
ユ The total ink now defaults to 300% as it did in previous versions of Photoshop.
ユ The color of white areas in CMYK files saved as JPEG files no longer shifts.
ユ TIFF files with LZW compression are now written correctly.
ユ Files made with Photoshop now work better with Microsoftᆴ Windowsᆴ XP's automatic thumbnail generation


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